go.eIDAS e.V.
Judengasse 2
96215 Lichtenfels, Germany
+49 9571 9481020
Represented by:
Management Board:
Chairwoman: Tina Hühnlein
Vice Chairman: Detlef Hühnlein
detlef.huehnlein (-at-) eid.as
Technical Information:
Technically responsible: Tina Hühnlein (tina.huehnlein (-at-) eid.as)
Despite careful control we assume no responsibility for the content of external links. The providers of the linked pages are responsible for their respective content.
All used names, terms, signs and logos may be trade marks of their respective owners. The rights associated to the mentioned trade marks are exclusively held by the respective owners.
This imprint also applies to https://twitter.com/go_eIDAS and https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8807996/
Design of the go.eIDAS graphics and logo: Tina Hühnlein
Links to external websites
Our online offer contains links to extern websites. We have no influence of the operating companies due to compliance with the German federal law for protection of personal data ( Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes BDSG ).